Whites are attracted to physical activity they can structure as they like and at their own pace. Exercise provides solitary time for reflection and visioning. Jarred by interruptions and chaos, Whites require orderly exercise environments that provide a necessary calm. Outdoor environments and familiar paths and activities are appealing. Advanced planning makes it happen.

Motivation, Approach and Focus

Whites approach exercise as they do everything else, with planning and structure – that is, after sufficient reflection time. Reflection, in fact, is the hallmark of their personality. They don’t jump into anything headfirst, including fitness. Whites need time to do the research, check out facilities and imagine scenarios – all preliminary elements undertaken to create a comprehensive plan.

Whites are comfortable with the familiar; once they’ve made their plan to include regular physical activity in their routine, it becomes a cherished part of their life. It doesn’t slip out easily, but is challenged when their routine is disrupted by travel, moving to another city or other significant events.

Disciplined and independent, Whites are self-organized and attracted to physical exercise they can structure at their own pace. Much thought goes into each element of a White’s exercise program – and a program it is, complete with categories for cardio, strength and flexibility – and even classifications such as social, light, moderate, and intense.

As Intuitives (more abstract and less concrete in their approach to the world) they readily see the mind/body/soul connection and will often include exercise that provides for that as a category. At times they may enjoy being accountable to a fitness trainer, as long as they’ve had a role in directing the activity.

While they might consult fitness literature or schedule some sessions with a trainer, they typically develop their own exercise program based on specific results they’ve established as important and achievable. Whites think ahead and loosely envision their weekly exercise program, mentally keeping tabs, identifying times in which each part will happen. Unlike other types who are energized by spontaneous activities, Whites don’t like to be swept up in someone else’s agenda. They tend to stick with their plan.

Physical activity provides a refreshing respite, giving Whites an opportunity to get away from it all – from work, the phone, people, requests and family responsibilities. It’s a time to de-stress, think about things and be with their internal visions.

Environments and Interpersonal Connections

Whites seek comfort and familiarity in their exercise environments. Placing high value on tranquil and calm environments, Whites are easily jarred by interruptions and chaos. Whites require orderly environments for exercise, which provide the necessary calm for them to relax and receive the mental benefits of exercise as well as the physical.

At a large fitness center, Whites are likely to find an out-of-the-way spot to exercise, or they might join a small gym off the beaten path. Whites don’t mean to be rude, but they go to a gym to work out.

Chit-chat and noise are distracting, and cell phones are a special irritant.

Characteristically, Whites prefer keeping a low profile at the gym. They are turned off by “see and be seen” fitness centers. They typically don’t like to bump into people from work or other parts of their lives at the gym.

Using a Trainer

White Efficients (INTJ)

White Efficients expect trainers to have a high level of proficiency and knowledge. They will challenge a trainer with tough questions thanks to their genuine interest and strong curiosity.

White Harmonies (INFJ)

White Harmonies look for supportive trainers who are committed to helping them reach their goal. Their relationship with their trainer tends to be personal, although they will ask challenging questions as well.

To learn more

Check out The 8 Colors of Fitness® Series