Purples needs to apply their own vision and critical thinking to anything they do, so trainers will need to work with them to develop routines according to their vision and goals.
Purples enjoy the amenities of a fitness facility and, with advanced planning, will enjoy creating a routine and making use of a well-appointed locker room and spa facilities.
Staying in shape is part of what Purples expect of themselves. A trainer can provide value in assisting them to address these expectations.
Organize a fitness plan into categories, showing that all areas are covered. With their intuitive nature, Purples see the mind/body/spirit connections. Include this aspect in one of the categories addressed.
Purples enjoy routine, but are willing to experiment with new classes and offerings. Who knows, they might incorporate these new offerings into their routine.
If not engaging a trainer on a regular basis, Purples enjoy checking in for a “tune up” to be sure they’re on track or to take their routine to a higher level.
Be aware of Purples’ tendency to let their minds drift into internal musings. You may need to provide a constant physical presence, with plenty of eye contact, to keep them focused and attentive to the task at hand.
Don’t worry about making workouts fun; it’s a plus if they enjoy the session, but fitness is about work and improvement.
Purples like to control their environment and have strong preferences. If possible, let them choose a location in the gym for their training session.
Purples will share feedback about a fitness facility and expect an immediate response.
Keep in Mind
Purples with Efficiency employ a trainer to help them achieve targeted results with a minimum of wasted effort. The relationship is business-like and impersonal.
Purples with Harmony tend to develop personal relationships with their trainers. They expect a coach to be friendly and enthusiastic about their progress.