Safety concerns need to be recognized and addressed at the beginning. In all training sessions, Blues need to be reassured that the exercise/approach is safe and will, in fact, prevent injury. For example, emphasize the importance of stretching to avoid injury.
Blues have specific goals in mind when working with a trainer, and they want to chart and record them. Clarify goals and determine how progress will be measured (computer entries, cards, etc.) at the outset.
Blues respect authoritative research. References to literature on exercise physiology are appreciated and add credibility to the importance of exercise.
Blues want an organized approach, and a well-formulated plan. They do not expect the coaching sessions to be fun.
Break training session up, step-by-step—making sure they completely understand and can master each step before going to the next. For example, demonstrate and explain in detail the muscle group being worked. Emphasize correct form and technique.
Once a program is developed, Blues are comfortable with routine. Make any changes incremental in progression.
Focus on the concrete. Don’t expect Blues to improvise. Blues do not naturally trust mind/body/spirit messages from trainers.
In a series of training sessions, a trainer should begin with a brief review of the last session to assure that information is secured in their minds. Blues might be silent about what they don’t understand. Do not equate silence with understanding or agreement.
Conduct sessions in private or less central area(s) of the gym to remove distractions and create privacy.
If possible, each training session should be held in the same space in the gym, using exactly the same equipment for each session.
Keep in Mind
Blues with Efficiency have a pragmatic approach to fitness sessions, and want to get down to business right away.
Blues with Harmony look for a friendly, personal trainer and like to exchange pleasantries.