Saffrons like activities that are flexible, convenient and provide opportunity for spontaneity and self-expression. Saffrons tend to lose interest in anything too organized. Easily bored and internally demanding, Saffrons enjoy challenging activities with the right combination of fun, freedom, and flow.
Motivation, Approach and Focus
Saffrons prefer an easygoing and casual lifestyle and exercise that requires minimal process or advance planning. This creates more opportunities to enjoy the kick they get when life hands them the unexpected.
Though Saffrons like being physically active, routines and schedules that limit their flexibility soon become burdens that inhibit rather than encourage physical activity.
For Saffrons, every step in preparation to exercise is another opportunity to get off-track, so the fewer decision points between the idea and its execution, the better.
Although their outward demeanor is relaxed, inwardly Saffrons can be intense. With a challenge in front of them, they apply themselves to the task with quiet commitment.
Competitive – with themselves more than others – Saffrons often set difficult and physically demanding goals. Physical pursuits are in fact a great balance to Saffrons’ intensity, providing a cleansing relief from constant inner analysis, debate and searching.
Saffrons are independent and often perfectionists, so they favor activities requiring a high level of performance, especially to avoid boredom in exercise.
Saffrons can easily make the mind/body/soul connection and can enjoy exercise that taps into it.
Environments and Interpersonal Connections
Saffrons lean toward outdoor settings for their cardio activities, enjoying the inherent freedom. Although they might go to the gym for some of their cardio, often their gym visits have a particular purpose, like lifting weights, for example. With their attraction to movement and flow, many Saffrons enjoy group fitness classes, if the music is to their liking and it’s fun!
Saffrons enjoy exercising alone and with others, as long as the interaction is not demanding or confining. For instance, they might enjoy light banter with a running partner. It’s not unusual for Saffrons to train for a marathon with a family member or friend, but it won’t happen if there’s much to do about dates and schedules ahead of time. Arrangements must be convenient and relaxed.
Because Saffrons rarely see themselves as part of a group, they deal better with a few like-minded people than with an organized gathering. For the same reason, Saffrons often choose unusual sports or activities, e.g. Ultimate Frisbee, taiko drumming, or bouldering.
Using a Trainer
Saffron Efficients (INTP)
Saffron Efficients will seek trainers primarily when they want to learn specific skills or improve their performance in a particular area.
Saffron Harmonies (INFP)
Saffron Harmonies seek to partner with trainers, but it is important that the trainer understands and is aligned with their values.
To learn more
Check out The 8 Colors of Fitness® Series